Lacey Hoosier

Deville, LA
Buckeye High School
Third Place Winner

Hoosier’s innovative teaching idea, “STEM & Medicine for Rural Kids,” focuses on exposing rural, underprivileged students to vital Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and medical anatomical topics. To ignite an interest in these relevant subjects, students in grades 9-12, along with rotations of students in grades 6-8, will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on STEM labs, anatomy and physiology based lessons, robotics and Science Bowl team competitions. With the Voya grant, Hoosier plans to purchase the necessary school supplies to begin building a strong science program that will spark excitement in the next generation of scientists and doctors. Through exposure to the medical field and disorders of the human body, Hoosier hopes to broaden the knowledge-base and increase the confidence of her students.