Emily Brindle

Socorro, NM
Cottonwood Valley Charter School

Brindle’s innovative teaching idea, “Cottonwood Biliteracy Project,’” focuses on building a Spanish library for their K-5 Spanish Language Arts (SLA) Classes. Many of Brindle’s students come into the program as English-only heritage students having experienced generational Spanish language loss. An ample library supports student agency to direct his or her own learning towards personal interests and opens pathways to new subjects. Voya’s grant would help purchase a library of Spanish books to have on-hand for class instructional use, and for students to simply enjoy reading when the opportunity arises. For instructional use and enjoyment, Brindle hopes to acquire Fountas and Pinnell's Spanish Language Leveled library (28 books). With authentic characters, simple word patterns, native syntax, and progression in difficulty, this library would allow their SLA teacher to assess progress and assign appropriate reading material.