Operational efficiency – performance data

Operational efficiency – performance data


Percentages reflect reduction from 2007 baseline


Category 2007 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Paper Used (Tons) 558 96 68 45 14 21
Paper Used
(sheets in millions)
111.5 19.1 13.5 9 2.8 4.1
Paper Reduction (%) N/A 83 88 92 97 96

Waste and Recycling

2018–2022 vs. 2007 Benchmark

Waste and Recycling2

Category 2007 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Waste to Landfill Waste to Landfill (Tons) 1080 320 318 99 62 85
  Percent reduction3 N/A 70% 71% 89% 88% 92%
Waste Diverted Waste Diverted (Tons) 748 917 875 277 433 293
  Electronic waste diverted 119 38 13 0 8 11
Total Waste Total Waste (Tons) 1,828 1,237 1,193< 376 495 378
  Percent reduction2,3,4 N/A 32% 35% 84% 62% 71%
  % to Landfill 59% 26% 27% 26% 13% 23%
  % Diverted 41% 74% 73% 74% 87% 77%
*This figure is restated as a result of the 2018 assurance process.

GHG Emissions (CO2e metric tonnes)

2018–2022 vs. 2007 Benchmark

GHG Emissions (CO2e metric tonnes)4
Category 2007 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scope 1 Fossil Fuel CO2e 1,568 635 546 424 295 295
Scope 1 Fleet Cars CO2e NR6 579 379 349 571 601
Scope 1 NetJet NR6 112 221 147 168 433
Subtotal Scope 1 (CO2e) 1,568 1,327 1,146 920 1,034 1,329
Scope 2 Electric Use Major Offices (Metered CO2e) 28,321 14,432 13,083 7,752 4,897 3,378
Scope 2 Electric Use Field Offices (Calculated/non-metered CO2e)7 5,744 1,432 1,598 1,014 1,053 1,245
Scope 2 Steam (CO2e) 1,076 305 326 286 231 270
Total Scope 2 (CO2e) 35,141 16,170 15,007 9,052 6,181 4,893
Total Scope 1 & 2 (CO2e) 36,709 17,496 16,153 9,972 7,215 6,221
Scope 3 Business Air Miles 8,790 4,659 5,752 1,007 213 2,045
Scope 3 Personal Car Miles 2,437 911 793 229 241 361
Scope 3 Rental Car Miles NR6 328 348 55 102 155
Scope 3 Waste8 375 111 114 86 60 65
Total Scope 3 (CO2e) 11,602 6,009 7,007 1,376 616 2,626
Total Business Emissions (CO2e) 48,311 23,505 23,160 11,348 7,831 8,847
Scope 1 & 2 GHG Intensity by Revenue (CO2e per dollar) 0.0000000034 0.0000000021 0.0000000022 0.0000000013 0.0000000017 0.0000000010
Scope 1 & 2 GHG Intensity by Headcount (CO2e per person) .0035 .0022 0.0022 0.0013 0.0009 .0008

Energy Usage and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) (megawatts)

2018–2022 vs. 2007 Benchmark

Energy Usage and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) (megawatts)
Category 2007 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scope 2 Electric Use Major Offices (Metered MWh) 60,126 32,309 29,492 18,435 12,728 10,073
Scope 2 Electric Use Field Offices (Calculated/non-metered MWh) 8,195 3,257 3,742 2,572 3,276 3,571
Total Scope 2 Electricity Use (MWh) 68,321 35,566 33,234 21,007 16,004 13,644
Scope 2 Steam (MWh) 4749 1,348 1,441 1,263 1,018 1,191
Scope 1 Energy from Natural Gas & Diesel Fuel (MWh) 8,653 3,433 3,003 2,281 1,629 1,641
Total Energy Use (MWh) 81723 40,347 37,678 24,551 18,652 16,476
Total Energy Reductions 81.72GWh −51% −54% -70% -77% −80%
RECs Purchased 62,690 50,194 40,000 40,000 35,000 15,000
Percentage of Total Electric Emissions Offset 92% 141% 120% 190% 219% 110%
Energy Intensity by Revenue (MWh per dollar) 0.00000751 0.00000474 0.00000504 0.000000460 0.000000524 0.00000315
Energy Intensity by Headcount (MWh per person) 7.803 5.027 5.098 3.193 2.401 2.019


  1. United States Census Bureau U.S. and World Population Clock.
  2. Actual data represents 63 percent of our real estate portfolio on average; no inclusion of estimated waste data.
  3. Reductions and increases reported against 2007 baseline year.
  4. Figures include electronic waste (tons) totals.
  5. Protocol used: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator.
  6. NR means not reported.
  7. Utilizing the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) formula for 2017 field office locations.
  8. Protocol used: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Waste Reduction Model (WARM).